Archive for the 'nutrition tips' Category

Nutrition Tips for Improving Your Health – Hindi

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The natural remedy to staying healthy is to follow a good exercise, diet, and sleep regimen. Dr. Gurudutta gives you tips to stay healthy and prevent illnesses if conventional medicine isn’t for you!

Good nutrition is one of the keys to good health. Good nutrition means eating foods that have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them, and foods that are not high in fat. For most people, foods that are high in fiber are a good choice, and almost everyone should eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

Do I need to change what I eat?

Has your doctor talked with you about a medical problem or a risk factor, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol?

Did your doctor tell you that this condition could be improved by better nutrition?

Do diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or osteoporosis run in your family?

Are you overweight, or have you gained weight over the years?

Do you have questions about what kinds of foods you should eat or whether you should take vitamins?

Do you think that you would benefit from seeing a nutritionist? (A nutritionist is a registered dietitian who specializes in nutrition counseling.)

Will it be hard to change my eating habits?

Probably, but even small changes can improve your health a lot. The main point is to keep trying to eat the right foods. Stay in touch with your doctor and nutritionist, to let them know how you are doing. Here are a few suggestions to help you improve your eating habits:

Find the strong points and weak points in your current diet. Do you eat three to five servings of fruits and vegetables every day? Do you get enough calcium? Do you eat high-fiber foods regularly? If so, good! You are on the right track. Keep it up. If not, you can learn the changes you need to make.

Make small, slow changes, instead of trying to make big, fast changes. Small changes will be easier to stick with.

Every few days, keep track of your food intake by writing down everything you ate and drank that day. Use this record to help you see if you need to eat more from food groups such as vegetables and fruits, or less from food groups such as meat and poultry.

Think about asking for help from a nutritionist if you have not already done so—especially if you have a medical problem that requires you to follow a special diet.

Can I trust nutrition information I get from newspapers and magazines?

Nutrition tips from different sources can sometimes disagree with each other. You should always check with your doctor first. Also, keep in mind this advice:

There is no “magic bullet” when it comes to nutrition. Short-term diets may help you lose weight, but they are difficult to keep up and even may be unhealthy in the long run.

Good nutrition does not come in a pill. You can take a vitamin pill to be sure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals, but your body benefits the most from the vitamins in healthy foods.

Eating small amounts of a variety of foods is best for your body. Learn to try new foods.

Remember, stories from people who have used a diet program or product, especially the ones in commercials and infomercials, are advertisements. Regained weight or other problems that come up after someone has completed the program are never talked about in those ads.

What changes can I make now in my diet?

Almost everyone can benefit from cutting back on fat. If you currently eat a lot of fat, try just one or two of these changes:

Eat three to four servings of low-fat dairy products every day. You can use reduced-fat cheeses and fat-free yogurt. For example, if you make pizza at home, try using part-skim mozzarella cheese on top.

If you eat meat, eat it baked, grilled, and broiled rather than fried. Take the skin off before eating chicken. Eat fish at least once a week.

Cut back on extra fat, such as butter or margarine on bread, sour cream on baked potatoes, and salad dressings.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables with your meals and as snacks.

When eating away from home, watch out for “hidden” fats (such as that in salad dressing and desserts) and be especially careful of oversized portions.

Read the nutrition labels on foods before you buy them. If you need help understanding the labels, ask your doctor or your nutritionist.

During the day, drink no-calorie or low-calorie beverages, such as water, unsweetened tea or coffee, and diet soda.

Balanced nutrition and regular exercise are good for your health even if your weight never changes. So try to set goals that you have a good chance of reaching, such as making one of the small changes in this handout or walking one more day per week.


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Food and Nutrition Science | Swami Ramdev

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There are a lot of variables that influence the health of our skin, but these 10 tips are sure to make your skin (and whole body) very happy.

→ Digestion 101:
→ 7 Tips to Balance Hormones:
→ Self-Care Habits:
→ 5 Ways to De-Stress (+ herbs):
→ How to Love Exercise:
→ How to Eat Less Sugar:

→ Brita Pitcher:
→ Avocado oil (my favourite for winter moisturizing):
→ Flaxseeds:
→ Chia seeds:
→ Hemp seeds:
→ Evening primrose oil:
→ Borage oil:
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Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only and does not substitute or replace medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own. This description contains affiliate links, which means that if purchases are made when clicked, I’ll receive a small commission. Thank you!

Meghan Livingstone, CNP
Certified Holistic Nutritionist

9 Nutrition Rules for Building Muscle | Jim Stoppani's Shortcut to Strength

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Training for strength doesn’t mean diet goes out the window. You can absolutely maximize your results with what you eat and the supps you take. Here’s how!
Jim Stoppani’s 6-Week Shortcut To Strength ►
Jim Stoppani’s Recommended Muscle-Building Supplements ►

Rule 1 – Eat Plenty of Protein
Protein is the main driver of muscle growth and should be the number one priority in your nutrition plan. Strive for at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, and consider going as high as 1.5 grams per pound, especially when following an intense training regimen like this one.

Rule 2 – Eat (Protein) Frequently
Recent research suggests that consuming protein every 4-6 hours is optimal to maximize muscle growth, not 3 hours like I’ve told you to before. Why? This timeframe supposedly provides your muscle machinery with the resources it needs to maximize growth while also ensuring it has an adequate “break” soon after before repeating the process.

Rule 3 – Get Ample Fats
If protein is your highest priority, fat is next on the list. It plays a major role in supporting muscle growth, health, and performance, so don’t neglect it—period. My rule for fat intake is to consume half your body weight per day in grams of fat. That means a 180-pound individual will strive to consume 90 grams of fat per day.

Rule 4 – Manipulate Carbs
Everyone’s body responds to carbohydrates differently, so after you set your protein and fat intake, experiment with your carbohydrate intake to determine what works best for you. Aiming for 1.5-2.0 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight (on a training day at minimum) is a solid starting place.

Rule 5 – Macronutrients Over Calories
I’m not a huge stickler on calorie amounts. Yes, calorie intake is important, but rather than focusing on a calories-first approach, I suggest building your diet from the macros up to ensure you’re providing your body with the necessary fuel to support strength gains. If you follow my above rules, your caloric intake will come out to be 15-19 calories per pound of body weight.

Rule 6 – Use a Protein Powder Blend
For me, the only thing better than whey or casein is whey and casein. When you blend these two protein sources, the fast-digesting whey will ensure you rapidly promote an anabolic (muscle-building) environment, while the casein will help you sustain it for a long time—maybe as long as 6-8 hours. This will reduce the time you spend in a state of muscle breakdown and maximize the time spent in a state of growth. To fully round out your protein shake, I suggest the inclusion of medium-speed digesting protein, too.

Rule 7 – Use Fast-Digesting Carbs After Workouts
Carbohydrates are your muscles’ primary fuel source during exercise. The greater the intensity and length of your training, the more the body depletes its carbohydrate stores. This happens! But when it does, you need to rectify it quickly.

Rule 8 – Take the Pre- and Post-Workout Supplement Essentioals
BCAAs, Beta-Alanine, Betaine, & Creatine

Rule 9 – Find What Works for you


| Recommended Supplements |
Pro JYM ►
– Blended Protein Supplement for Maximum Effectiveness*
– Made with the Highest Quality Whey, Casein, and Egg Proteins

Pre Jym ►
– Pre-Workout Powder Powerhouse*
– Scientifically Advanced All-In-One Formula for Improved Workouts*

Post Jym Active Matrix ►
– Post-Workout Powder for Recovery and Growth*
– Powerful Cocktail Designed to Help Boost Repair, Maximize Recovery, and Build Muscle*


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Best NUTRITION Advice (Beginner's Guide to The Gym)

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Best NUTRITION Advice (Beginner's Guide to The Gym)

NUTRITION | Beginner’s Tips:

Chew your Food Slow:
Sounds obvious I know, but just remember it’s better for a couple reasons, like digestion; your saliva will start “pre-digesting” your food before it even hits the stomach, just think of it as Jeff Goldblum as “Brundlefly” in the Fly…except you aren’t vomiting up green goo all over a doughnut if front of your girl Veronica you later find out you impregnated and then kidnap her to make sure she carries your baby because it’s the last remnant of your humanity…seriously go watch the Fly. Eating slow also lets your stomach send signals to the brain to let it know you’re full, through releasing a hormone called Leptin. It could take up to 15 – 20 minutes to feel the full effect of being full. So take your time dammit! Just try to savor every bite, like its your last.

Know your Macros:
Calories are calories, right? WRONG! There are certain metabolic effects caused by different calories and these calories come from different sources called, Macronutrients. There are 3 primary macros: Fats, Carbs and Protein. Fats = 9 calories per 1 gram which makes it the most energy dense of the macros but they also provide many other benefits such as, reducing bad cholesterol, protecting against cardiovascular disease and even helping lose weight. Carbs and Proteins = 4 calories per 1 gram. Let’s talk protein – these dudes are comprised of amino acids and are mostly known for building muscle, but also help in many other avenues like helping create enzymes and hormones. Oh, and protein also will help you feel more satiated – which is a fancy word meaning full. Carbs are not only the main energy source for the body but also provide energy for the brain. But watch those sugary carbs because your blood sugar levels can spike and your body will release insulin, making it easier to store fat and possibly cause diabetes by becoming insulin resistant. Okay enough doom and gloom – just make sure you eat whole healthy foods and remember, you are what you eat.

Portion Size:
Make a fist…now punch yourself, because you’ve likely been ignoring portion control. Ya know that fist that just punched you? That’s about the size of your stomach and it might be able to stretch a bit, but you need to be aware of how much you’re stretching that bad boy. Are you stretching it to just the right amount like, the hot girl in your gym stretching in her yoga pants, or are your stretching it like a douche bro with ILS wearing a shirt 3 sizes too small to look bigger? Point is, be aware of how much food you’re eating. Usually dinner plates are large and it’s easy to try and fill them with food and eat it all. So, buy smaller plates, use your hand as a measuring tool and you can thank us later.

Why are you eating:
It might sound like a funny question, and you might answer it with “because i get hungry” or “to survive” and those are valid answers, but when you sit down and make a goal of a more specific reason why you’re eating I.E. Im eating to lose weight or gain muscle or build strength, you’ll be forced to figure out the amounts of total calories you require, and have the need to find out macro percentages that work best to your goal, and in the process learn what your body responds best to.

Keep it simple:
It’s easy to want to jump on the most popular nutritional dieting trends, paleo, anal digestion, intermittent fasting, IIFYM, but before you go that route, try to get into a healthy habit and routine of eating whole healthy foods, training your self discipline and understanding what different foods do and how they affect you. Now we’re not saying never to try anything new, but maybe wait till you understand this whole nutrition thing a little more first.

Meal Prep: Do it.

TDEE Calculator:

BIG, HUGE SPECIAL THANKS to these PATREON BUFF DUDES and GRRRLS who helped to make this video possible!!

Michael Weber
Rachel DaSilva
James Bissonette
Logan Vibbert
Neesh Shah
Chin Long Chan

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BUFF DUDES / Food / Nutrition

Shot & Edited by Hudson
Starring Hudson, Brandon
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Nutrition and hydration tips for young athletes

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Eating and drinking right are essential performing well and avoiding injuries. Check out this video for nutrition and hydration tips from Erin Moix Grieb, MD, a pediatric sports medicine specialist at Stanford Children’s Health.
Learn more at
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I hope you guys enjoy this video! Let me know what you’d like to see next 🙂

Instagram: @marillewellyn
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There are many colon cleanse options, and the lemon juice method is one that can be done at home with warm water and a lemon. Get rid of the impurities in the body with help from a certified health counselor and nutrition consultant in this free video on colon cleanses.
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Top 10 Weight Loss Tips Part 2, Nutrition Information, Psychetruth

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Exclusive Content!!

Top 10 Weight Loss Tips Part 2, Psychetruth Nutrition & A Healthy Diet

Corrina give’s you 10 tips to achieve healthy weight loss without going on a yoyo diet, diet pills, weight loss camps and clinics, programs you have to join, meal plans or surgery.

Here are tips to control your hunger, improve you health and lose weight in a healthy way. Diets tend to emphasize counting calories or lowering the amount of food that you eat but really what you eat is more important than how much you eat.

By eating good foods and avoiding bad obesity causing foods that spike your blood sugar; leading to obesity, heart disease and excessive hunger, a person will naturally eat less because the foods are more nutrient dense and contain sustainable energy.

Official Corrina Rachel Psychetruth Playlist

Featuring Corrina Rachel

This video was produced by Psychetruth

Music By Scotty B

© Copyright 2010 Target Public Media LLC. All Rights Reserved. #Psychetruth #WellnessPlus

To lower blood pressure through diet, avoid refined carbohydrates that contribute to insulin resistance, identify food allergies that stress the system, and avoid salty foods. Eat a diet of natural, unprocessed foods to lower blood pressure with advice from a nutritionist and herbalist in this free video on nutrition.
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Nutrition Tips

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Nutrition Tips to Manage Cancer-Related Fatigue

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Are you experiencing physical, emotional and/or mental tiredness as a result of cancer treatment? Cancer related fatigue (CRF) is the most common side effect felt by people with cancer. It can also be the most stressful. What and when you eat and drink can help you feel less tired. Giving your body the nutrients it needs can help it function better.

Check out these 5 nutrition tips to help manage your cancer related fatigue:
1. Have small meals or snacks frequently
2. Get enough protein
3. Eat more fibre
4. Balance your meals
5. Drink plenty of fluids

Disclaimer: These materials are to be used for informational purposes only. They do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your health care provider for advice about your health and medical condition.

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Disclaimer: These materials are to be used for informational purposes only. They do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your health care provider for advice about your health and medical condition.

The effects of poor diets in children include mood disorders, immune dysfunction, behavior problems and lack of energy. Find out how refined foods and a lack of natural fruits and vegetables cause problems in children with information from a nutritionist and herbalist in this free video on nutrition.
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Food portion size tips from our Clinical Nutrition Interns

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Get tips on proper portion sizes from Sunnybrook’s Clinical Nutrition Interns.