Eating and drinking right are essential performing well and avoiding injuries. Check out this video for nutrition and hydration tips from Erin Moix Grieb, MD, a pediatric sports medicine specialist at Stanford Children’s Health.
Learn more at
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Archive for September, 2019

In this video we talk about the common components of food called the nutrients. The nutrients – carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, along with dietary fiber and water help our body to grow and function properly.
Watch this video to know where these nutrients come from and what they do for our body.
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Basic of Nutrients
A nutrient is a component in foods that an organism uses to survive and grow. Macronutrients provide the bulk energy an organism’s metabolic system needs to function while micronutrients provide the necessary cofactors for metabolism to be carried out. Both types of nutrients can be acquired from the environment. Micronutrients are used to build and repair tissues and to regulate body processes while macronutrients are converted to, and used for, energy.
Other Video in Human Physiology
Difference Between Essential and Non Essential Amino Acids
Why Sitting too Much is Bad for Your Health?
Functions of the Respiratory System : A Look Inside Key Respiratory Activities
Functions of Calcium in the Body
Causes and Symptoms Atherosclerosis
The Circulatory System Function and Definition of Arteries
Structure and Function of Vein (Circulatory System)
The Circulatory System : Anatomy and Physiology of Capillaries
Blood Vessel Structure and Function (Circulatory System)
Composition and Function of Blood (Circulatory System)
Top Most Nutritious Fruits and Vegetables.
Top Most Nutritious Fruits and Vegetables in the world. To being healthy and Happy life you have to eat the most healthiest Healthiest Fruits and Vegetables. We are here to inform you that which are the best foods for you.
We will inform you day by day all about healthy food and healthy tips.
Subscribe our Channel for Fore videos and Health Tips.
I hope you guys enjoy this video! Let me know what you’d like to see next 🙂
Instagram: @marillewellyn
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Clean Supplements:
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There are many colon cleanse options, and the lemon juice method is one that can be done at home with warm water and a lemon. Get rid of the impurities in the body with help from a certified health counselor and nutrition consultant in this free video on colon cleanses.
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Exclusive Content!!
Top 10 Weight Loss Tips Part 2, Psychetruth Nutrition & A Healthy Diet
Corrina give’s you 10 tips to achieve healthy weight loss without going on a yoyo diet, diet pills, weight loss camps and clinics, programs you have to join, meal plans or surgery.
Here are tips to control your hunger, improve you health and lose weight in a healthy way. Diets tend to emphasize counting calories or lowering the amount of food that you eat but really what you eat is more important than how much you eat.
By eating good foods and avoiding bad obesity causing foods that spike your blood sugar; leading to obesity, heart disease and excessive hunger, a person will naturally eat less because the foods are more nutrient dense and contain sustainable energy.
Official Corrina Rachel Psychetruth Playlist
Featuring Corrina Rachel
This video was produced by Psychetruth
Tweets by Psychetruth
Music By Scotty B
© Copyright 2010 Target Public Media LLC. All Rights Reserved. #Psychetruth #WellnessPlus
To lower blood pressure through diet, avoid refined carbohydrates that contribute to insulin resistance, identify food allergies that stress the system, and avoid salty foods. Eat a diet of natural, unprocessed foods to lower blood pressure with advice from a nutritionist and herbalist in this free video on nutrition.
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बुढ़ापा दूर रखने का अचूक उपाय – Nutritious Anti Ageing foods for Longer Life
how to be more nutritious 20 Comments »11 Nutritious foods जो रखेंगे बुढ़ापा दूर – 11 Nutritious Anti Ageing foods for Longer Life
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Vitamin D –
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#NutritiousFoods #HealthyFoods #NutritiousFoodsForHealth
All material on this video is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction.
No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.
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Could the path to a more nutritious pizza be illuminated by laser beams?
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New York City has been known for its pizza for decades, but now a surprising oven innovation is attracting new attention. At Columbia University, a lab is crafting ways to improve nutrition by 3-D printing pizza to precise dietary specifications — and cooking it with laser beams. Science producer Nsikan Akpan shares this first-hand look at how engineers are lighting up new ways to cook a slice.
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Table of Contents:
00:18 – Why care about nutrition??
01:06 – Overview
01:57 – Energy = Calories
02:49 – Set up your page:
03:00 –
03:53 –
04:45 –
05:40 – Saturated Fat
06:06 – Unsaturated Fat
06:37 – Trans-fats
07:17 – Protein
08:13 –
09:05 – Vitamins & Minerals
10:05 – WATER
10:31 – Nutrient Dense Foods
11:53 – Empty calories