Archive for the tag: Life

बुढ़ापा दूर रखने का अचूक उपाय – Nutritious Anti Ageing foods for Longer Life

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11 Nutritious foods जो रखेंगे बुढ़ापा दूर – 11 Nutritious Anti Ageing foods for Longer Life
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आज हम बात करेंगे उन छोटी छोटी चीज़ों की जो हम अपनी diet में include कर सकते हैं और जिनसे हमें मिलेगा स्वस्थ और लम्बा जीवन| साथ ही आज से हम अपने हर विडियो के लास्ट में एक interesting हेल्थ फैक्ट आपको बताएँगे जो आपको अचंभित कर देगा| तो इस interesting फन फैक्ट के सेक्शन को आप प्लीज मिस पर करियेगा और इस विडियो को लास्ट तक ज़रूर देखियेगा|

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Vitamin D –

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#NutritiousFoods #HealthyFoods #NutritiousFoodsForHealth

All material on this video is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction.
No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.
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8 Pillars of a Nutritious Life | A Little Bit Better With Keri Glassman

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Want to live a more healthy and happy life? Keri Glassman shares her 8 Pillars of a Nutritious Life:

1. Drink Up — proper hydration allows our bodies to function optimally.
2. Eat Empowered — celebrate the positive benefits of nutrient-rich, clean foods.
3. Exercise Steady — staying active keeps you fit and boosts your energy.
4. Pamper Thyself — small indulgences can make all the difference in our attitude.
5. Sex Ed — a healthy and active sex life offers tremendous physical and emotional benefits.
6. Sleep Deep — proper sleep leads to more energy, better decision making, and a happier you.
7. Stress Less — manage your stress and everything else will fall into place much more easily.
8. Your World — take the time to improve your surroundings.

There’s more A Little Bit Better where this came from:

Want more healthy and happy tips and tricks?

A Little Bit Better offers simple tips that can add up to affect your life in big ways.

Nationally recognized nutrition expert and author Keri Glassman is the founder and president of Keri Glassman, Nutritious Life, a nutrition practice based in New York City. For years Keri has been a leader in advancing a “whole person” approach to health and wellness.

More from Keri:

Illustration and animation by Cameron Gough.

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