7 Edible Weeds That Are More Nutritious Than Vegetables – Gardening Tips
how to be more nutritious September 21st. 2019, 5:23pm
When we buy and plant packets of common flower, vegetable, or herb seeds, we spend a lot of energy, time, and water in our efforts to get those seeds to germinate and grow, and take pride in our homegrown food supply.
When a plant that we identify as being a weed is found growing in our lawn or garden, out comes the hoe and trowel. And it’s too bad, as many of the common garden weeds are not only edible and nutritious, but can be a great homegrown addition to our meals.
Edible weeds include purslane, Dandelion, clover, plantain and wild-Amaranth, Chickweed, Chicory, Common Mallow, Curly Dock, Lamb’s Quarters, Plantain, Alfalfa, Bitter Dock, Chamomile.
Which Weeds Have You Got in backyard?
#Gardening #edibleweeds
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September 21st, 2019 at 6:22 pm
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September 21st, 2019 at 7:20 pm
3:37 ……What happened here? …..
September 21st, 2019 at 7:26 pm
Unfortunately I've Moved To South Florida, And We Don't Get Most Of Those Here. ?
I Did Dig Up A Few Plant's From TN, And Plant Then Here….
Long Leaf And Broad Leaf Plantains… The Long Leaf Is Replicating… But Not The Broad Leaf.
I've Got 3 Dandelion Plant's, But They've Not Blossomed Once. ?
I Have Mallow Also, It's Struggling.
Thanks For The Video.