Vitamin Toxicity & Tips on Vitamins, Nutrition Info, Health, Disease, Food Safety | The Truth Talks
nutrition tips September 18th. 2019, 1:04am
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Vitamin Toxicity & Tips on Vitamins, Nutrition Info, Health, Disease, Food Safety | The Truth Talks
Psychetruth News Correspondent interviews nutritionist Joseph Strickland about Vitamin deficiency, toxicity, recommended doses, and the powerful health benefits of taking a multi-vitamin.
Visit Joseph Strickland’s website at;
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Vitamin Toxicity Tips on Vitamins Nutrition Info Health Disease, Food Safety The Truth Talks “vitamin toxicity” “multi vitamin” “vitamin tips” “Vitamin D” “vitamin D deficiency” “nutrition info” “Joseph Strickland” “Joe Strickland” Strickland “Nutrition Austin” truth” “truth about” RDA dose “cancer prevention” “disease prevention” prevention diabetes cancer Psychetruth Corrina #Psychetruth #WellnessPlus
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September 18th, 2019 at 1:38 am
September 18th, 2019 at 2:37 am
So true!! I suffered from Hypervitaminosis A caused by using Triluma (which has Tretinoin). I got very very sick and symptoms cleared when I suspended the cream.
September 18th, 2019 at 3:02 am
I take Vitamin D, K2, Super B Complex, Biotin and a Probiotic. Do you think this is too much? I used to have hyperthyroidism and started taking these vitamins about 2 years ago and have had a normal thyroid level since taking this vitamin combo. Oh, and also I changed my diet to a more whole foods based diet with an occasional treat of non whole foods about 1 a month.
September 18th, 2019 at 3:30 am
I am shocked this doctor didn't mention vitamin toxicity is very real, even with low dosages, if you have the MTHFR gene mutation, especially Folic acid & vitamin B6. If you have this gene mutation, toxicity of vitamins can and does occur, even from small daily dosages. Vitamin B6 toxicity causes neuromyopathy as well as stroke & heart attack.
September 18th, 2019 at 3:33 am
Several errors by this nutritionist. (I'm a certified Nutrition Fitness Coach — but more importantly I've studying nutrition for 19 years and have used it to cure myself of several diseases.)
He supports vitamin supplements derived from "whole food" as opposed to vitamins that are chemically manufactured. But both can be good.
1) Avoid the cheaper multi's, (especially the popular one that begins with the letter "C.") Garbage.
2) The multi's derived from food are generally good. (He mentioned Megafood Multi – a good one. However…
3) But the whole-food derived Multi's are also PROCESSED. So they would likely not contain much of the "phyotonutrients" either. Which is why we need to eat actual nutritious FOOD in addition to taking supplements.
4) He mentions vitamin C, which he specifically suggests should come from Acerola cherries or oranges in your supplement. Not necessarily!!! Vitamin C is a simple molecule C6H8O6. It is easily manufactured chemically in the laboratory which is identical to the vit C found in fruit (ascorbic acid IS vitamin C — Look up Dr Thomas Levy.)
5) He recommends vitamin A as beta carotene from vegetables such as carrots. One problem with that is studies show that about 60% of the population do not convert beta carotene very efficiently into retinol (which is REAL vitamin A — the form the body can use). He disses synthetic vitamin A which is usually in the form of retinyl palmitate. But I found personally that I do not convert beta carotene very well when I began to have a vision problem. Guess what — retinyl palmitate fixed it.
6) He is correct about the possibility of vitamin D toxicity in amounts too high. Vitamin A can also be toxic in amounts too high. However, A and D taken together tend to cancel out the toxic effects of each other. But blood tests are still recommended.
7) He mentions vit D and calcium. The two taken together can lead to calcified arteries ("hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure) THEREFORE it is very important to also supplement with vitamin K2 which brings the calcium to the bones. (Vitamin D only gets the calcium into the blood, not to the bones.) Calcium should only be supplemented if blood tests indicate the person is low on it.
8) Yes, vitamin E as a synthetic supplement should be AVOIDED. Take E only as natural mixed tocopherols.
I take two multi's every day — one natural, and one mainly synthetic but high quality.
September 18th, 2019 at 3:58 am
did they record this in a fish bowl?
September 18th, 2019 at 4:56 am
for people watching this video. Do you take financial advice from the homeless?
September 18th, 2019 at 5:21 am
Hi, Im having trouble with the fact that this guy is a nutritionist yet he seems overweight, what are your views on this matter?
September 18th, 2019 at 5:35 am
I think she stuck a vitamin in her left nostril…….
September 18th, 2019 at 6:08 am
many vitamins and health supplements available at:
September 18th, 2019 at 7:04 am
@GG Jones 4mg daily is enough. Don't waste money on higher dosages.
September 18th, 2019 at 7:55 am
I take 100mg vitamin c rose hips supplements on a daily basis
September 18th, 2019 at 8:21 am
you need vitamin c to help with nose bleeding, I did not know that, thanks
September 18th, 2019 at 8:29 am
Hiya, have you heard about Max Muscle Method? (just google it) You will learn about the serious crimes we commit against our bodies. With Max Muscle Method, you will discover how to get ripped quickly.
September 18th, 2019 at 8:33 am
Have you ever heard of ordinary folks shedding weight–and delighting in three full scrumptious meals at the same time? Just go And Google Fat Blast Lifestyle to learn more.
September 18th, 2019 at 9:15 am
Thanks for your rather odd comment. It was a Frankie Boyle vitamin related quote from his book that I found quite funny. But thanks for your comments you tiresome internet hardman.
September 18th, 2019 at 9:45 am
iv found that many multi vitamis have more than the RDA a in them 500% of some. that seems odd to me
September 18th, 2019 at 10:13 am
no just gases, could agrue they are toxic as they make you bloat 😉
September 18th, 2019 at 10:38 am
there is no solid proof that taking vit C helps you recover from flu so don't waste your money on high doses which you excrete down the drain.
September 18th, 2019 at 11:06 am
well let me tell you something about vit C: it's soluble in water and the body can't hold on to it for long so you need to have it regularly also that means that you will literally piss out the rest you don't need (more than 80mg). the good thing is that it's found everywhere: citrus fruits even used as preservative in foods under the name ascorbic acid so it will be very difficult to be deficient in it unless you live off junk food every single day.