We are often told that refined sugar is empty calories and poison. But honey, on the other hand, is nutritious and healing, and therefore a great substitute for sugar. How much better is honey than sugar? Do the nutrients in honey offer substantial benefits? This video examines the claimed nutritional benefits of honey. Something I did not point out in the video, but that is very enlightening, is that while HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) is maligned for its fructose content, those same detractors embrace honey for its natural goodness. I went over the typical fructose content of honey in the video, but I forgot to mention that honey contains MORE fructose than the type of HFCS with the highest percentage of fructose, around 38%. While a typical batch of honey can contain up to 40% fructose. If HFCS is evil, than so is honey. But honey is not evil, nor is it that much different than plain sugar (as explained in the vid).

What is honey? Honey is not, as is commonly claimed “bee vomit.” At least, not exactly. Worker bees from honey bee hives collect nectar from various flowers and store it in a special sac, a honey sac.” They do not eat it and then vomit it up or regurgitate it, as such. However, in the sac, the nectar is acted upon by glandular secretions that change it chemically, somewhat, and once the nectar is deposited in the honey comb, these changes continue, while the nectar is evaporated, with help from the bees who “stir” it, until it is much thicker. There is actually much more pure surcrose (like in white table sugar) in the original nectar than in the finished honey. See the video for more information on the types of sugars in honey.

Read more:

Is Honey More Healthy Than Sugar?

Is Honey Really Bee Vomit?

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Closeup of honey pouring image by Siona Karen via https://www.flickr.com/photos/26149290@N02/3870732249/
Honeycomb closeup image by Merdal via http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Honey_comb.jpg
Jars of honey image by Waugsberg via http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Volle_Honigglaeser_51a.jpg
All others public domain.

Background Music used under license.

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